that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed.

Titus 2:4-5

Friday, July 29, 2011

School Stuff

I recently came across this blog, and found this story. I really like it and it says a lot to us mothers. I have really been struggling recently with feeling like I don't spend enough time with my kids doing learning activities together,and just spending time with the kids reading or whatever. I feel frustrated a lot that there is much that I need to get done, and I think of how much time something will take, and I will wonder how I can finish what I have to get done. I have been feeling strongly that maybe I should begin to look into another curriculum. I like my curriculum, but with three kids in school and a baby on the way, I feel like I am missing out on those heart to heart moments in favor of a schedule that MUST get done. This is something that I really need to think and pray about. I feel that another curriculum might be right, but that is a big step to take, especially as we have already bought all our books for this year. I am afraid that if I don't have something laid out for me, that I might miss something the kids should be learning. And I am not good at making my own lesson plans. I seem to jumble things up. I never want to lose my children to "mom is too busy to care about what is going on now". Anyways here is the link to this story. I hope that you will stop over at Audry's blog and read it. Great story, it's called "Sam's Story".

I just wrote that I have nothing to blog about and now I blog all this...  :)


  1. I can finally comment again! Thank goodness!

    I've been trying to get things together to start a preschool time with our son. It is kind of intimidating. I pray you find what really works for you guys. ♥

  2. Hi Tea
    Thanks for stopping by. I am so glad that I can get comments again. I have missed them.
    Preschool will be so much fun. I hope you find the right curriculum. I thought I would mention this book I used with our daughter. Its a fun preschool curriculum. I didn't use the whole book, but it has great activities. It's called "Language Development", and its from A Beka. I used the Language Development cards that you can buy with it. They are large cards with pictures that go with the lessons. Anyways just wanted to share.
    Thanks again for stopping by.

  3. Thanks for sharing that. I'm going to be looking around at some things. I'm going to try to start simple and fun. :)
